Unit 14 – C5 to D5


Submission steps

  1. Play C5/C#5/D5 three times forte.
  2. Play the tests for C5
    a. G#3-C4, G#3-C5, G#3-F4, C4-C5
    b. G#2-F3, G#2-C5, G#2-C4, F3-C5
    c. G3-D#4, D#4-C5, G3-C5
  3. Play the tests for C#5
    a. A3-C#4, A3-C#5, A3-F#4, C#4-C#5
    b. A2-F#3, A2-C#5, A2-C#4, F#3-C#5
    c. G#3-E4, E4-C#5, G#3-C#5
  4. Play the tests for D5
    a. A#3-D4, A#3-D5, A#3-G4, D4-D5
    b. A#2-G3, A#2-D5, A#2-D4, G3-D5
    c. A3-F4, F4-D5, A3-D5

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