
Unit 15 – D#5/E5



  1. Play D#5 moderately loud for 3 seconds.
  2. Whack D#5 loudly 3 X’s.
  3. Play D#5 moderately loud for 3 seconds.
  4. Play B2 moderately loud for 3 seconds.
  5. Play B3 moderately loud for 3 seconds.
  6. Play the M6/M17/M10 test:
    B2-G#3, B2-D#5, B2-D#4
  7. Play the P12: G#3-D#5, 3 seconds.
  8. Play the top octave: D#4-D#5, 3 seconds.
  9. Play the 4:2 top octave 4:2 test, B3-D#4 and B3-D#5.
  10. Play the D#4 check: F#3-A#3, F#3-D#4, A#3-D4
  11. Play the G#3 check: G3-B3, G#3-C4, A3-C#4.


  1. Play E5 moderately loud for 3 seconds.
  2. Whack E5 loudly 3 X’s.
  3. Play E5 moderately loud for 3 seconds.
  4. Play C3 moderately loud for 3 seconds.
  5. Play C4 moderately loud for 3 seconds.
  6. Play the M6/M17/M10 test:
    C3-A3, C3-E5, C3-E4
  7. Play the P12: A3-E5
  8. Play the top octave: E4-E5
  9. Play the top octave 4:2 test: C4-E4 and C4-E5
  10. Play the E4 check: G3-B3, G3-E4, B3-D#4
  11. Play the A3 check: F3-A3, F3-A4 and F3-A3, A3-C#4, C#4-F4, F4-A4.

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