Unit 2 – Tuning A4


To pass this unit, you must use an ETD to tune A4 using DSU.

Send in a video.
Narrate as you tune. Let us know what you are thinking.
Start at least 4 cents flat.
Use iStroboSoft or equivalent and show the ETD to the camera.
Only look at the ETD when measuring a clean DSU.

Submission Steps:

  1. Mute the right string of A4.
  2. Clean up the DSU.
  3. Measure it with the ETD*.
  4. Move one string of the DSU and make the DSU out-of-tune by the amount that the ETD says it was out from 440 Hz.
  5. Move the other string and make the DSU clean again.
    Go back to step 3 and measure the A4 again.
    Keep doing steps 3, 4, and 5 until the A4 DSU is 440 Hz +/- 1 cent.
  6. Remove the mute.
  7. Tune the third string clean to the DSU.
  8. Play A4 moderately loud, 3 – 4 seconds.
  9. Play A4 3 times very loud to test stability.
  10. Play A4 again moderately loud and let it sustain for 3 – 4 seconds.

* Always show the ETD to the camera.

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