Unit 6 – Skeleton


Trichords: A3, A4 (Should already be tuned)
When tuning the skeleton according to the procedure, keep F3, C#4, and F4 as DSU until the end.
C#3, C4, and G#3 can stay as single strings, DSU, or trichords, as you wish. DSU preferred.

Tuned the whole skeleton as per the procedure, then:

  1. Play F3, A3, C#4, F4, and A4 3 seconds each.
  2. Play F3, A3, C#4, F4, and A4 3xs, hard blows.
  3. Play F3, A3, C#4, F4, and A4 3 seconds each.
  4. Play the tests for A3-A4, then the octave.
    (i.e. play F3A3, F3A4, A3C4, C4A4, and then A3A4, 3 seconds each.)
  5. Play the tests for F3-F4, then the octave.
    (I.e. play C#3F3, C#3F4, F3G#3, G#3F4, and then F3F4, 3 seconds each.)
  6. Play the skeleton F3A3-A3C#4-C#4F4-F4A4, 3 seconds each.

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